According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with the disease. While there is a difference between normal memory loss from aging and Alzheimer’s/Dementia, memory care is available – and research is on-going into the fight of the disease.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, know that you are not alone. In fact, Alzheimer’s may affect those that you wouldn’t expect. The following is a short list of famous people with Alzheimer’s Disease, or have come out having some form of dementia or memory loss.
From the Houston Chronicle:
- Glen Campbell – “Glenn Campbell revealed he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in June, 2011.”
- Rita Hayworth – “Rita Hayworth had the disease but was misdiagnosed for years. Doctors thought her memory loss was related to drinking heavily.”
- Ronald Reagan – “Former President Ronald Reagan was diagnosed in 1994.”
- Estelle Getty – Most famous for Golden Girls, Getty passed away in 2008 at the age of 85.
- Charles Bronson – “Charles Bronson, star of the “Death Wish” franchise, passed away in 2003. It was later revealed he had Alzheimer’s.”
- Charlton Heston – “Charlton Heston, who passed away in 2008, was diagnosed with neurological symptoms ‘consistent with Alzheimer’s disease’ in 2002.”
- Norman Rockwell – “Norman Rockwell, the artist who painted the covers for The Saturday Evening Post had the disease although he died of emphysema.”
- Sugar Ray Robinson – “Boxer Sugar Ray Robinson had Alzheimer’s, diabetes and hypertension.”
- Rose Parks – “Rosa Parks, famous for not giving up her seat in the “whites only” section of a bus suffered from Alzheimer’s.”
- Peter Faulk – “Peter Faulk, best known for the role of “Columbo” passed away from Alzheimer’s in June, 2011.”
- James Doohan – “James Doohan who played “Scotty” in the Star Trek series, experienced memory loss for several months before being diagnosed with the disease at 84.
- Perry Como – “Perry Como, the crooning baritone barber famous for his relaxed vocals, cardigan sweaters and television Christmas specials, died at his home Saturday, May 12, 2001, after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer’s.”
- Burgess Meredith – “Burgess Meredit, best known as the coach in the “Rocky” movies struggled with the disease until his death in 1997.” Meredith was also known as the Penguin on the 60’s television series, Batman.
Although this list may seem long, there are most likely many more famous people with Alzheimer’s – either currently or who may have had the disease before it was actively being diagnosed.