Indianapolis, IN 46240
TruWorth Auto Senior BuyBack Program TruWorth Auto is a highly reviewed company that specializes in buying and selling vehicles. They have a great Senior Buyback Program that allows you to get the maximum payout for the vehicle without all the time and risk.
Please read the Ask the Expert question and answers below to see how they can help you in downsizing your car.
Ask The Expert Downsizing specialist: Automotive
Q: My health has changed so that I am unsure if I’m driving on the road, especially during the winter months when my night vision is impacted by the shorter days. I could use the money from my car for other things I need. What is the safest way to sell my car while getting what it’s worth.
A: Great questions! TruWorth Auto is a highly reviewed company that specializes in buying & selling vehicles through an informational & transparent process. They have a process together with checks and balances to ensure you get the best possible value for your vehicle. By gathering competing offers for your vehicle, you can choose which offer benefits you the most and completed it quickly within 30 minutes. Your offer is good for 7 days.
Q: We are currently exploring the transition of helping out parents into an assisted living arrangement. Every time we begin the conversation, my parents are enthusiastic to the idea until we get to the part of downsizing. From what we have read, the first step to downsizing for this transition is selling their vehicle. What type of risk & costs are involved, if we try and sell the vehicle ourselves?
A: Although your first instinct may be to take the time needed to sell the vehicle yourself, you may find that it is tough and risky to do so. Here are four risk factors to consider: • You must keep insurance and registration on the vehicle at all times. • The longer your vehicle sits, the more potential maintenance issues arise. Weather new or old, gaskets, seals, or anything made of rubber deteriorates with lack of use. • Finding a customer, advertising and negotiating can be costly, taking both your time and money. • If the unthinkable happens while a stranger test drives your vehicle, your financial well-being is at Risk.
Q: My Dad was out shopping the other day and called me frantic! He had lost is way home by making a wrong turn and didn’t recognize where he was. I’m afraid to let him drive now, but not sure how he will get around without transportation. What would you recommend I do?
A: The Senior Buyback Program was designed for this very reason. Keep our roads safe and our seniors safer. Eliminate the liability that the family may find they must assume. Most Home Care and Senior Communities alike provide transportation as part of their services. These providers will drive your father to his desired destinations and the sale of the vehicle can pay those services for several years.
Q: I’m going into a Rehabilitation Facility after a fall and need money to help pay for the car. How quickly could I sell the vehicle to TruWorth Auto? How soon can I get the money?
A: We understand how quickly one can move from first (or second) fall, into the hospital and into a Rehabilitation facility to recover. It can be concerning on how to pay for expenses you didn’t see coming. We are prepared to purchase your vehicle, help with the logistics if needed, and make sure you leave with the funds you need. Generally this can all be completed in 30 minutes or less. Talk to a Certified Appraiser Today
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