Alzheimer's / Dementia

9/16/2024 | By Anne Shandera-Ochsner

When a loved one begins to have lapses in memory, it’s hard to know whether the forgetfulness is a simple result of aging or a sign of something more serious, like dementia. Anne Shandera-Ochsner of Mayo Clinic addresses the topic, noting when to seek help for memory loss.


I’ve started to notice lapses in my wife’s memory that are becoming more frequent. She has started asking the same questions repeatedly and sometimes struggles to come up with common words when speaking. I’ve brought up the changes I’ve recognized, but she brushes them off as typical signs of aging. Are there signs of memory issues? Should I encourage her to see her health care team and seek help for memory loss?


Everyone forgets things at times such as where you put your cellphone or the name of a person you just met. Some degree of memory problems and a modest decline in other thinking skills are common parts of aging. However, there’s a difference between normal memory changes and memory loss associated with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other related disorders. And some memory problems could be caused by other treatable conditions.

It’s normal to have minor memory loss as you age. This type doesn’t prevent you from living a full, productive life. For example, you may occasionally forget an acquaintance’s name but recall it later. You might misplace your glasses or need to write a list to remember tasks. These changes in memory can be irritating but are normal and manageable. They don’t disrupt your ability to work, live independently or maintain a social life.

Dementia isn’t a specific disease. It’s a group of symptoms that affect memory, reasoning, judgment, language and other thinking skills. Dementia usually begins gradually, worsens over time and interferes with a person’s daily life, including working, managing daily tasks, social interactions and relationships.

Memory loss often is one of the first recognizable signs of dementia. Other early signs can include:

  • Asking the same questions repeatedly.
  • Mixing words up, such as saying “bed” instead of “table.”
  • Misplacing items in inappropriate places, such as putting a wallet in a kitchen drawer.
  • Getting lost while walking or driving in a familiar area.
  • Having changes in mood or behavior for no apparent reason.
A woman has put her glasses in a refrigerator, indicating it's time to seek help for memory loss.

Mild cognitive impairment involves a notable decline in at least one area of thinking skills, such as memory. This decline is greater than the changes of aging and less than those of dementia. Having mild cognitive impairment doesn’t prevent you from performing everyday tasks and being socially engaged.

Many medical problems can cause memory loss or other symptoms associated with dementia. Most of these conditions can be treated. A health care team can screen for conditions that cause reversible memory impairment.

Possible causes of reversible memory loss include:

  • Medications. Certain medications or a combination of medications can cause forgetfulness or confusion.
  • Minor head trauma or injury. A head injury from a fall or accident — even if you don’t lose consciousness — can sometimes cause memory problems.
  • Emotional disorders. Stress, anxiety or depression can cause forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating and other problems that disrupt daily activities.
  • Sleep disorders. Poor quality or insufficient sleep can cause mental fogginess and forgetfulness that can interfere with a person’s daily life. Obstructive sleep apnea is a common example of a sleep disorder that causes cognitive impairment that can be reversed with treatment of the underlying problem.
  • Alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism can seriously impair mental abilities. Alcohol also can cause memory loss by interacting with medications.
  • Hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism, can result in forgetfulness and other thinking problems.

When to seek help for memory loss

Talk with your health care team if you’re concerned about memory loss or if a family member has brought up concerns about changes in your thinking. Sometimes the people who know you best will notice changes earlier than you will. It’s good to have a family member or friend along to answer some questions based on observations.

Related: How to Tell a Parent They Have Dementia

You may have a general physical exam, blood tests or brain imaging. These can help identify reversible causes of memory problems and symptoms associated with dementia.

You might be referred to a specialist who can diagnose dementia or memory disorders, such as a neurologist, psychiatrist, neuropsychologist or geriatrician. You may need additional testing, known as a neuropsychological test, to determine whether your thinking changes are normal for your age or not.

Coming to terms with memory loss and the possible onset of dementia can be difficult.

Some people try to hide memory problems, and some family members or friends compensate for a person’s memory loss ― sometimes without being aware of how much they’ve adapted to the impairment.

Getting a prompt diagnosis is important, even if it’s challenging. Identifying a reversible cause of memory impairment enables you to get appropriate treatment.

― Anne Shandera-Ochsner, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist, La Crosse and Onalaska, Wisconsin

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Anne Shandera-Ochsner