The Glade Adult Day Center
Adult Day Services
Temporary care provided during business hours
The Glade Adult Day Center
The Glade Adult Day Center is an on campus adult day center created in 2006 to provide residents and the larger community who are living with the early stages of dementia and/or other age related challenges with a place to come. We are a social model day center for individuals ages 62 and older who are in need of socialization, stimulation and structure. The spontaneous laughter and positive conversation combined with the talents of our staff create the core of what makes The Glade a successful program.
Our Services
The Glade provides a structured setting Monday through Friday from 7:30-5:30. Residents and their families can make arrangements for participation from one to five days a week. Participants of The Glade benefit from:
- Participation in recreational and social activities
- Involvement in educational and cultural programs
- Assistance with personal care
- Enjoyment of a nutritious lunch and two healthy snacks
The Benefit
With participation in The Glade, your family member will experience with have the opportunity to make friends with his/her peers. They will be engaged in meaningful and appropriate activities that will help them experience a feeling of validation and increased self-esteem. While your loved one is involved in stimulating activities, you can re-engage in your own life. Spouses, children or caregivers can return to their regular work schedule or gain some respite and relaxation. Everyone enjoys a benefit!