Lifestyle Airport Pick Up: In Person or Ride Share? 1/9/2023 | By Amy Dickinson A woman criticizes her nephew for his refusal to pick up his mother at the airport. “Is that too much to ask?” she exclaims. See what Ask Amy says about options for airport pick up in this edition of “Ask Amy.” Dear Amy: My nephew recently reported that no, he wouldn’t pick up his 77-year-old mother from the airport. “Besides,” he said, “It’s easier to get a taxi, Uber or Lyft.” To that remark, I say: “Easier for whom?” Visiting your loved ones means packing, schlepping, going through security, plus crowds and possible delays – not to mention the expense. So is it too much to expect that the person you’re going to visit might make the trek to the airport to pick you up? Let me put it this way. After an arduous journey, seeing a familiar, loving face and then getting a big hug means your journey is over. Whew! Climbing into even the nicest hired car means you’re still traveling – sitting in the back of a car, alone, on one more leg of your journey. Nowadays it’s common to outsource everything. Let’s not outsource love and compassion. – Disappointed Aunt Dear Aunt: Picking someone up (or taking them to) the airport is such a signal of intimacy that it has entered popular culture. From “When Harry Met Sally” to “Seinfeld,” the act of transporting a person to or from the airport shows that you care. A lot. I’m reminded of those wonderful opening and closing scenes in the movie “Love Actually,” consisting of an extended montage of people greeting one another at an airport terminal and – hugging their hearts out. When I travel, I fly in and out of an airport serving a nearby Army base (hello, 10th Mountain Division!). You want a scene that will stop you in your tracks? Watch a servicemember returning home after a deployment. I’m publishing your thoughtful letter as a public service to far-flung families everywhere. Dude. Pick up your mom at the airport! It’s a beautiful act of love. In the tradition of the great personal advice columnists, Chicago Tribune’s Amy Dickinson is a plainspoken straight shooter who relates to readers of all ages. She answers personal questions by addressing issues from both her head and her heart. A solid reporter, Dickinson researches her topics to provide readers with informed opinions and answers – ranging from potential romance scams on the elderly to grandparenting to caregivers. Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. © 2022 by Amy Dickinson Click here to read more Ask Amy columns curated for a baby boomer audience. Read More Amy Dickinson